KMP: Cha-cha is only for the benefit of hacienderos not for Filipino people
The militant peasant group Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas held a 3 day vigil in front of the House of Representativesa from June 8 to June 10, to condemn the so-called economic Charter Change. They said that the economic Cha-cha was being pushed by the Aquino administration-controlled Congress is only for the benefit of the hacienderos like President Aquino whose family still controls the sprawling Hacienda Luisita sugar estate in Tarlac.
The KMP also said that “economic Charter Change will intensify land-grabbing in the countryside and worsen the export-oriented and import dependent orientation of the economy. Local production that is dependent on imported inputs will be directed to serving the needs of globalization.”
House of Representatives, Quezon City
June 9-10, 2015